Hermetically Sealed: Todd Holoubek 2011 Solo Show
*Hermetically Sealed Official Website Hermetically Sealed Holoubek collects a wide variety of found and personal objects,hermetically seals them from the elements with the intention of creating a disconnect between the viewer and the particular object. By sealing each object in vibrant primary colored plastic,each item ceases to be specific and ordinary and becomes instead iconic. The artist is removing all interactivity,coaxing the viewer to contemplate each piece as an idealized form. Though they are broken into color groups,there is no relationship between the objects and their colors other than to effectively remove the objects identity with a generic,primary color. This accentuates the characteristic shape,contours,and textures we normally overlook. The specifics of each object are supplied by the viewers imagination. Process I was asked to work on this project with the artist from start to the end. It was a wonderful exhibition design experience. I have started from show room site study, site measuring, 3D mock up modeling, object searching, art works development to final installation, and with a lot of failing and trying, the exhibition was successfully opened on 30st of May, 2011 at Oogie Art Gallery, NYC. |